Tla releasing full length gay movies

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“I’m optimistic because ‘Brokeback Mountain’ is no harder to replicate than any other great movie that Hollywood has produced,” he said.

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The question now is when, or if, another gay film will achieve similar success.Īs executive director of Outfest, one of the largest gay and lesbian film festivals in the U.S., Stephen Gutwillig has seen the fortunes of the genre ebb and flow since he began in 1999. “Brokeback,” which received an Oscar nomination this year for Best Picture, did something no other same-sex love story had ever done before: It crossed over to the mainstream and grossed $83 million domestically. It’s not just a victory for gay rights it’s a victory for humanity.”

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A well-made movie with a good story trumps everything. “There was a huge fear or belief that you couldn’t tell a story with a gay hero and have it make money.

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“‘Brokeback Mountain’ broke down barriers that have existed for a long time,” said actor Chad Allen, the openly gay actor who stars as a gay detective in “Shock to the System.”

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